Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Definition, Purpose and Steps of Research and Development

Research and Development

A. Definition Research Development Research and Development (R & D)

Research Development and Research and Development (R & D) is currently one of the most widely used research types. Research development is one type of research that can be a link or breaker gap between basic research with applied research. Understanding Research Development or Research and Development (R & D) is often defined as a process or steps to develop a new product or product that already exist. What this means is not necessarily hardware (books, modules, learning aids in the classroom and laboratory), nor can software (software) such as programs for processing data, classroom learning, libraries or laboratories, or models Education, training, guidance, evaluation, management, etc.

Monday, July 3, 2017

21st Century Skills For Students and Teachers

21st Century Skills For Students and Teachers
Education plays a very important and strategic role in building a skilled knowledge community that has the skills: (1) technology and media literacy; (2) to communicate effectively; (3) critical thinking; (4) solve the problem; And (5) collaborate. (Wahyono and Pujiriyanto, 2010).

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Discussion Method

Discussion Method
A. Understanding Discussion Method
Discussion methods are teaching methods that are closely related to problem-solving, commonly referred to as group discussion and socialized recitation. Discussion is a responsive scientific conversation containing exchanges of opinions woven with problematic questions of ideas and the testing of ideas or opinions carried out by several people belonging to the group directed to solve the problem and to seek the truth.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Learning Models and Learning Management Models

Learning Models and Learning Management Models


Understanding Learning
Learning is a term that has a very close relationship and can not be separated from each other in the educational process. Learning should be an activity undertaken to create an atmosphere or provide services for students to learn.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Constructtivistic Learning Models
1. Introduction

The advancement of information and communications technology that developed so rapidly in the era of globalization, brought a very radical change. The change has had an impact on every aspect of life, including the education and learning system. The impact of this extraordinary change is the formation of a 'global cumon', even worse because the global community is arriving much faster than calculated: the information revolution has brought a truly hyper-reality new world.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Definition of Case Studies, Types of Case Studies and Case Study Objectives

Case Studies
A. Definition of Case Study

According to Bogdan and Bikien (1982) the case study is a detailed examination of a single background or a subject or document storage or a particular event. Surachrnad (1982) limits the case study approach as an approach by focusing on a case in a comprehensive and detailed manner . While Yin (1987) provides a more technical limitation with emphasis on its characteristics. Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (1985) made it clear that in the case study the researcher should attempt to test the unit or individual in detail. The researchers tried to find all the important variables.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Learning Achievement

Definition of Learning Achievement
Learning Achievement can not be separated from learning activities, because learning is a process, while learning achievement is the result of the learning process. For a child learning is an obligation. Success or failure of a child in education depends on the learning process experienced by the child.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision
Definition of Clinical Supervision
Clinical supervision was first introduced and developed by Morris L. Cogan, Robert Goldhammer, and Richarct Weller at Harvard University in the late fifty and early decades (Krajewski) 1982). There are two assumptions that underlie the practice of clinical supervision. First, teaching is a very complex activity that requires careful observation and analysis through these observations and analyzes, the teaching supervisor will easily develop the teacher's ability to manage the learning process. Second, the teachers whose professionals want to be developed prefer the collegial way rather than the outoritarian way (Sergiovanni, 1987).

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Managerial Supervision

Definition of Educational Supervision
The term supervision comes from two words, namely "super" and "vision". In Webster's New World Dictionary the super term means “higher in rank or position than, superior to (superintendent), a greater or better than others” (1991:1343). While the word vision means “the ability to perceive something not actually visible, as through mental acuteness or keen foresight (1991:1492).

Friday, June 23, 2017

Problem Based Learning (PBL)

Problem Based Learning (PBL)
Problem-Based Learning was developed in medical school in Ontario Canada in the 1960s (Barrows, 1996). This strategy was developed in response to the fact that the young doctor who had just graduated from medical school that has a very rich knowledge, but lack the adequate skills to utilize this knowledge in daily practice. Subsequent developments, Problem-Based Learning more widely applied in various subjects in schools and colleges.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Understanding teaching method
The method according to Djamaluddin and Abdullah Aly in Kapita Selekta Islamic Education, (1999: 114) comes from the meta word means through, and hodos road. So the method is the path that must be passed to achieve a goal. Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the book Islamic Religious Education Methodology (2001: 19) Method means the work system that bersistem to facilitate the implementation of an activity in order to achieve the goals specified. According to WJS. Poerwadarminta in Big Indonesian Dictionary, (1999: 767) Method is a way that has been regular and well thought to achieve a purpose. Based on the above definition, the authors can take the conclusion that the method is the way or the way someone to follow to achieve the expected goals.