Saturday, July 7, 2018


Man tries to leave his trail in various ways. To perpetuate an event, one effective way is to write it down. Thus the age of literacy in line with the age of man and his civilization.

The literature itself relies on 3 things namely reading, writing, and communicating. With the presence of literacy-related events are expected to further strengthen the literacy and literacy of learners.

"Literacy should not be regarded as a new item. But this is actually the old thing that we have to strengthen, "said Director General of Primary and Secondary Education Kemidikbud, Hamid Muhammad Closing Ceremony at OLSN SMP Year 2017 at Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Sunday (29/10).

Reading alone is the door of science. In addition, by reading, placing the imagination for the contribution that will be given by the learner as an adult.

"Training our children to love reading. Because by reading then the door of science, experience, and anything that grows around the world will be known by our children. So reading becomes an obligation, "Hamid Muhammad said in his speech.

"Reading is not just reading textbooks, but other non-lesson books, including those that are imaginary. So let our children really have imagination. Later as an adult, I will contribute what to this country, "added this bespectacled man.

In the case of reading power there is the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) Number 23 of 2015 on the Cultivation of Character. In Permendikbud No. 23 of 2015, one of them is the obligation to carry out non-lesson reading books for 15 minutes every day.

"Since 2015 we ask every day before entering school, school hours. It was 15 minutes reading. Read anything before, other than a subject book. Can be a reading book, can be a newspaper, could be a magazine, could be an article. That please read, "explained Hamid Muhammad.

Hamid Muhammad reminded that later reading should be structured. The Directorate General of Primary and Secondary Education (Dikmenmen Kemendikbud) reminded the curriculum of 2013, where junior high school students read at least 12 books for 3 years. This means that every year, is expected to finish 4 books. Of course the number of reading books that can be saved more than 12 books is recommended, along with the habit of making a review.

The next literary essay is writing. By being accustomed to writing from an early age, then when in the next education "limp write" will not happen.

"Writing is a special ability. And this is what we encourage our brothers to write. Anything that is read, at least can be diresensi. With the language of our own children. Encourage them to keep practicing. Our children after high school, let alone to the College is not hard anymore whose name is written, "said Hamid Muhammad.

The ability to write with the right guidance will be the way to articulate the mind in a smart. The main components of writing consisting of main thoughts, supporting ideas, and conclusions are expected to become the intellectual habits of learners in writing.

"The ability to write it should be guided, especially by Indonesian and English teachers. Because writing must have a way. Writing that there are main ideas - the main issue is what. There are supporting ideas - that support the idea. Then there are conclusions or recommendations. That was the first thing that should be taught to our children, "said Hamid Muhammad especially to the tutors in the OLSN teacher who mostly background as an Indonesian teacher and an English teacher.

He also praised some junior high school students who have been regularly writing, to record his work into a book. It shows the seeds of reliable Indonesian writers have been trained since blue-white uniform.

The next literacy core is communicating. In communication, then the idea, what is written, what is read; trained to communicate. In OLSN SMP there is an Indonesian Debate Competition, which is the actualization of communication skills.

"Debate is the peak of communication. Because it involves logic, the ability to argue, and so on, "said Hamid Muhammad.

It is not impossible that the participants of the OLSN SMP Year 2017 Debate Contest, will later become Indonesia's representative in the International Debate Competition.

"Well if the junior already trained to argue, in high school there is an international debate contest. And we only once won. that's when it's done in Singapore. What we do this year in Bali we just get the award. Good, but did not get a gold medal, "said Hamid Muhammad.

With 3 core literasi namely reading, writing, and communicating students are expected to have enough stock to become a superior human resources in the 21st century.
